Introduction to Circular Economy
Introduction to Circular Economy, its principles and the drivers of change
This introductory programme will be available to all Members every month to enable Members to train as many employees as they want in order to build a strong understanding on Circular Economy.
Our global economy is not sustainable with our “take-make-use-discard” way of producing and consuming our resources. This linear growth model has reached its limits. Emerging global challenges such as climate change, resource depletions, price volatilities and environmental degradation are a threat to the European economy and business growth. At the same time, in 2019, another global challenge has emerged, the Covid-19 pandemic. To address these challenges and future ones to come, we have to re-approach and re-shape the systems that underpin the existing linear economy.
This course is about providing solutions for these challenges and the way forward for Members to explore: Circular Economy. You will learn what circular economy is and its principles, how businesses can create value by closing the loop by reusing, remanufacturing and recycling products, re-think the current production and consumption model and how you can contribute to make the Circular Economy happen. Through this training, you will have the opportunity to transform into a catalyst of change for the transition to the circular economy. You will engage in learning through a series of directed study and group interaction activities.
What you will learn
• Build a strong understanding on circular economy, its basic principles and the current and future legislative framework, the need to move from the linear to the circular economy and its benefits;
• Develop a set of skills, competencies and a new way of thinking on how circular business models and circular supply chains work; introduce you to the basic principles of circular design, production and delivery of products and services;
• Explore value creation in a circular economy.
• Learn how the circular economy can provide solutions to the challenges our current, linear economy brings.
• De¬fine the fundamentals of a circular economy and the characteristics of a circular business model.
• Distinguish between linear and circular business models.
• Learn how to circularise a linear business model.
• Describe the business bene¬fits of transitioning to a circular business model.
• Understand the various enablers and accelerators key for the transition to circular economy.
Available dates for the event
21 July 202130 August 202120 September 2021CANCELLED- to be announced in 2022
* Τhis Course will be Delivered frequently throughout the year.