2020 was a milestone year for the EU and its transition to a cyclical and climate-neutral economy, announcing a series of Plans, Actions, Strategies and Objectives, crucial for a successful transition, both at European and Member State level.
The Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment and the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, as the competent Ministries for the issues of circular economy, signed today, June 7, 2021, the Memorandum of Understanding (OEB). The Memorandum was co-signed by the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Ms. Natasa Peleidou, the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development & Environment, Mr. Costas Kadis, the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Mr. Kyriakos Kokkinos and Mr. Antonis Antoniou, Chairman, CypruEmployers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) representing also the Cyprus Circular Economy Network.
Among other things, the aim of the Memorandum is to strengthen the existing cooperation with OEB and the Cyprus Circular Economy Network-led by OEB-, in order to facilitate and accelerate the transition of Cypriot enterprises to the Circular Economy. This memorandum of cooperation will allow the co-responsible Ministries and the OEB and the Cyprus Circular Economy Network to implement joint initiatives in the field of circular economy. In addition, the appropriate favorable conditions will be created for the implementation and strengthening of the circular economy in Cyprus, the exchange of expertise, the use of existing know-how and experience to implement actions with the ultimate goal of the transition of the Cypriot Economy and Cypriot businesses to the Circular Economy.
Ms. Natasa Pileidou, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry stated that “The Government wishes to open channels of cooperation with companies to embrace green growth, not only as a means of environmental protection, but also as an opportunity for better use of raw materials and other resources, the reuse of materials, the exploitation of synergies with other companies and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the products and services they provide. According to a study conducted by our Ministry for the circular economy, companies that will follow the new, modern, sustainable and cyclical model of economic growth, will become more resilient and more competitive, locally and internationally, while giving the opportunity to create new, green jobs “.
Mr. Costas Kadis, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, said “The signing of the memorandum between the Ministries of State and OEB marks the beginning of a new era of cooperation to achieve our vision for the transition of tourism, industry and business in circular economy with very significant benefits for the environment. “Together we will actively support this transition to a cyclical development model.”
Mr. Kyriakos Kokkinos, Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy said “The circular economy is one of the most important challenges, but also opportunities that we have to face nationally and globally, for a sustainable sustainable future. Our Ministry promotes actions for the use of cutting-edge technologies for the development of innovative solutions to support the circular economy and research & innovation actions in synergy with the research centers and centers of excellence of Cyprus. “Through the Memorandum of Cooperation signed today, we aim to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of a relevant action plan for rational waste management to achieve the national goals of the Green Agreement, as well as the international effort to tackle climate change.”
Mr. Antonis Antoniou, President of the Federation of Employers & Industrialists (OEB), stated that the Federation of Employers & Industrialists (OEB) following the developments, started the great effort to help the transition to the circular economy, for four years. OEB in 2020 proceeded to the establishment of the Cyprus Circular Economy Network, with important partners, both in Cyprus and abroad. The signing today of the Memorandum of Cooperation between OEB and the competent Ministries involved, shows the desire and will of all, to strengthen cooperation in matters relating to green development and the circular economy. “With this Memorandum we strengthen and enrich our actions concerning the promotion of the circular economy in Cyprus and the facilitation and acceleration of the transition of Cypriot companies to the Circular Economy”.
Facilitating and accelerating the transition through this important cooperation will contribute to achieving the economic and social resilience of Cyprus, for a sustainable future.